20th of October 2020, 16:00-17:30 CEST

Webinar #2
Reliability and Tools
for PdM Application


The ForeSee Cluster webinar #2 highlights the main aspects of reliability and tools for PdM application. It presents also the use case applications on machine tool of Z-BRE4K, PROPHESY and PROGRAMS projects.
16:00 Introduction
Diego Bartolomé, CRIT
16:10 Reliability and Tools for Predictive Maintenance Applications
Basim al-Najjar, Linneaus University & Thanasis Naskos, Atlantis Engineering
16:40 PHILIPS use case
Daniel Caljouw, PHILIPS
17:00 Fidia/Aurrenak use case
Michele Surico, FIDIA & Ignacio Martínez de la Pera, Aurrenak
17:20 Q&A and round table
17:30 Event closure

Full Recorded Webinar

Keynote speech
Philips use case
Fidia/Aurrenak use case
Q&A session

Keynote Speech

The keynote speech on “Reliability and Tools for Predictive Maintenance Applications” is delivered by Prof. Dr. Basim Al-Najjar, Linneaus University & Thanasis Naskos, Atlantis Engineering, which are partner of the PreCom and Z-Bre4K projects.
Prof. Dr. Basim Al-Najjar presents the broad potential and impact of PdM and possible alternative approaches, as well as provide a high-level view of technologies, tools and methods employed in PreCoM, their applications and challenges. The PreCoM project perfectly contributes to Industry 4.0 and Maintenance 4.0, by designing a multifunctional, cloud based and automatic PdM system in close collaboration with industry needs. The PreCoM system, as well as the other projects in the ForeSee cluster, are producing fundamental evidence for advancing PdM in Europe and increase competitiveness of industry and research in this field.
Dr. Thanasis Naskos’s speech focuses on different technologies and approaches utilized in the context of Industry 4.0, in order to enable the application of Smart Maintenance Solutions in the industry.
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Use Cases

Philips Use Case

The Philips use cases is presented by Haije Zijlstra, senior project manager and end user project leader for Philips within Prophesy, together with Daniël Caljouw who is senior production engineer and end user project leader within Z-BRE4K.
During the presentation, a high level overview of the need for predictive maintenance, its potential benefits, the failure modes for the selected use-cases and the tools developed within both Prophesy and Z-BRE4K projects is provided.
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Aurrenak Use Case

The Aurrenak use case is presented by Ignacio Martínez de la Pera, Innovation Director at Aurrenak S. Coop, the main tooling producer in the Basque country, and Michele Surico, PROGRAMS project technical coordinator, who will briefly illustrate the lessons learnt during the project and the challenges to reach a commercialization stage for the developed solutions.
The Aurrenak use case shows show how the PROGRAMS platform allows the end to end management of maintenance activities, from data collection and analysis to production and maintenance scheduling to information sharing at all factory levels. Aurrenak S. Coop is end-user partner in PROGRAMS project providing a use case based on moulds production by milling machines for the automotive sector.
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Prof. Dr. Basim Al-Najjar works at the Department of Mechanical Engineering/Terotechnology of the Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. He is the Principal Investigator and coordinator of the PreCoM project, aimed to test and deploy a Smart Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Decision Support System in three factories in Spain and Slovakia.
Dr. Thanasis Naskos holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 2018, he works for Atlantis Engineering as function leader of the R&D dept. He has participated in many European projects as a Senior Researcher, involving Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Haije Zijlstra is a senior project manager at Philips and an end user project leader for Philips within Prophesy.
Daniël Caljouw is a senior production engineer at Philips and end user project leader within Z-BRE4K.
Ignacio Martinez de la Pera holds a degree in Aeronautical Technical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and has 22 years back experience in the industry, focused on foundry and automation technologies in the automotive industry.
Michele Surico has been working in FIDIA since 1995, acquiring a deep competence in developing technologies for machinery monitoring and research projects management. He is project manager for R&D projects as well as software developer.

Webinar Series

Webinar #1

Sep 24, 2020, 16:00-17:30 CEST
PdM Platforms & Microservices for Manufacturing Operations
In the Webinar #1, the main aspects of Platforms and Microservices for Manufacturing PdM aspects is presented, together with the showcase of white goods and machine tool applications of UPTIME, SERENA and PRECOM projects.
Presentations and recorded Webinar

Webinar #3

Nov 26, 2020, 16:00-17:30 CET
How to Measure ROI of PdM Applications
In the Webinar #3, the main aspects of ROI measurements of PdM application will be presented, together with the showcase of production systems in the aviation and automative industry of UPTIME and PROPHESY projects.
Presentations and recorded Webinar

Webinar #4

Jan 28, 2021, 16:30-18:00 CET
Application of Standards by Factories of the Future for Predictive Maintenance
In the Webinar #4, a set of best practices for future standardisation activities and improvements for industrial IoT and smart manufacturing is presented, including valuable visions and project-based experiences of ForeSee Cluster projcts.
Presentations and recorded Webinar